
Monday, August 15, 2011

Science Cheerleaders - Does it send the wrong message?

The Science Cheerleaders were founded in 2010. Sports cheerleaders who went on from that job to become scientists, have started a cheerleading squad to show girls that scientists can be sexy.

The problem is, in my opinion, that sexily clad cheerleaders are sending entirely the wrong impression to little girls.

Who watches cheerleaders? Men. Why do men watch cheerleaders? To see the breasts bob and the legs kick. But mainly the breasts bob. As well as the lovely faces, of course.

So what is the message being sent? That girls who want to be scientists must also be skinny, and pretty, and willing to show off their breasts and their belly buttons and their legs to boys and men... because it's not their brains that men care about, it's their physical appearance.

So as far as I'm concerned... good intentions...but a poor program.

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