
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Girl Scientists Club Goes To Denver

The three members of the Girl Scientist's Club sat on the back seat of Mr. and Mrs. Karlovassi's Toyota Highlander. Amber's parents sat in the front - her dad was driving and her mom was chatting to him desultorily as he drove.

The SUV was equipped with two TV screens, so that the passengers in the back could watch two different movies at the same time if they wanted to. However, the three girls had brought computer devices - not games but Kindles, and in between looking out at the scenery, occasionally chatting, they concentrated their attention on.

Emily was reading a novel version of Star Trek, The Original Series: Captain's War, which featured Mr. Sulu in a leading role.

Amber was playing Every Word, an anagramming game, in which she was given a series of 6 or 7 letters, and had to find as many 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 letter words that she could from them.

Trelane had brought a sketchbook, too, and growing tired of reading Seaborn, a novel about men and women genetically altered to live in the depths of the ocean, and was wiling away the time drawing a futuristic submersible.

Amber, who was seated next to her, snuck a glance at her work.

"That's pretty good, Trelane," she commented. "Looks like a real artist drew it."

"Why, thank you," said Trelane with a grin.

"Must be nice to have talent," said Amber sadly. "All I can draw is stick figures."

"Me, too," said Emily, looking up from her book. "Did you have to practice to get so good, or does it just come naturally?"

Trelane eyed her work critically. "A bit of both," she said. "I've always been a good drawer, and of course I pay attention to everything I see so that I know how to draw it - proportions and stuff, you know. It does look pretty day I'm going to build something like this!"

Her two friends smiled and nodded confidently at her, then went back to their own pursuits.

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