
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Acronyms, Acronyms Everywhere

Space Sciences Sunday

Acronyms and the Space Shuttle

Every group of people forms a kind of "code" with which to communicate with each other. The military is particularly famous for this, with their acronyms.

Acronyms are abbreviations that are formed using the initial letters or components in a phrase or name.

Even though the space shuttle program is, sadly, going to end at the end of 2010, I'm still going to take you through the acronyms that came into use for it. When you study the history of our space program, you will be able to see these words used in context.

I found these acronyms whie reading How To Fly The Space Shuttle, a kids book by Russell Shorto.

ADI - Altitude Direction Indicator
AOA - abort once around
ATO - abort to orbit
CAPCOM - capsule communicator.
CDR - commander
ET - external (fuel) tank
HAC - heading alignment cylinder
KSC - Kennedy Space Center
JSC - Johnson Space Center
MECO - main engi ne cutoff
OMS - orbitl maneuvering system
PLT - pilot
PL - payload
RCS - reaction control systemRTLS - return to launch site
SRB - solid rocket boosters
SSME - space shuttle main engines
TAL - transatlantic landing abort
TDRSS - Tracking and data relay sattelite system. Pronounced Tee-dris.
ZOE - zone of exclusion

That's a lot of acronyms. In next week's Space Sciences Sunday article, I'll talk more about them. Once you see them used in sentences, you'll find it easier to remember them. Or, don't wait until next Sunday, but do some resesarch on your own to learn more about them.

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